Learn About Our Programs
AVA is unlike any other crime assistance organization in the United States. Our services are culturally responsive, victim-centered, and through many key partnerships, we offer a variety of programs aimed at addressing the needs of our community, including education, healthcare, and social services. Learn more about our programs and how you can benefit from them.
AVA is unlike any other crime assistance organization in the United States.
Over the last four decades, our programs and partnerships have allowed AVA to serve domestic violence survivors, children and youth witnesses of violence, survivors of a loved one’s homicide, sexual assault survivors, and many other Atlanta residents affected by crime.
And unlike other crime assistance organizations, when there are crimes committed against people, AVA offers support to victims and witnesses regardless of the arrest status of the offender. For these victims, AVA is often the only organization connecting them with resources and helping them to cope, grieve and move forward with their lives.
Safety 1st School-Based Advocacy Services
In collaboration with the Atlanta Public School System, we have onsite advocates at Maynard Jackson and Carver STEAM high schools who offer support services and violence prevention programs to students.
At those schools, AVA offers its Victim 2 Victor (V2V) program, a 14-week educational support program for youth and their caregivers who have experienced trauma from exposure to homicide and family violence.
Interested in the V2V Fall Session? Apply Now!
AVA offers Safe Dates, an evidence-based curriculum that equips young people with the tools they need to recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships to develop healthy relationships.
Interested in the Safe Dates Spring Session? Apply Now!
Law Enforcement and Advocacy Program (LEAP)
We work closely with the Atlanta Police Department (APD), within all six APD zone precincts and several special crime units. Our trained advocates accompany law enforcement officers to respond to victims at crime scenes and immediately respond to those who call the agency service line.
Our partnership enables victims to receive critical services as soon as possible in the aftermath of a crime. LEAP advocates are not only dedicated to serving their zone or unit and developing a rapport with the officers but also reach out to the community. Our trained advocates provide free counseling while connecting victims to vital services and support groups, as well as providing in-person advocacy and support in court.

Court Advocate Program
AVA partners with the Atlanta Municipal Court and the Office of the City Solicitor for the Court Advocacy Program, which provides on-site court advocates to assist victims of crime whose cases are assigned to the Atlanta Municipal Court. The advocates conduct needs assessments for victims and witnesses, notify victims of scheduled court appearances, and encourage witnesses (usually the victim) to appear and testify. Advocates also work with victims to resolve issues and remove barriers that might prevent them from appearing in court. The advocates may appear in court with the victims, provide crisis intervention, offer referrals to community services, and assist with Crime Victim Compensation applications.
Court Advocate - Identity Theft
When a criminal fraudulently identifies themselves to police as another individual at the point of arrest, it is referred to as "Criminal Identity Theft." Victims might only learn of such incidents by chance, for example by receiving a court summons, discovering their driver's licenses are suspended when stopped for minor traffic violations, or through background checks performed for employment purposes.
It can be difficult for the victim of criminal identity theft to clear their record. This is just one example of the kinds of impact that may continue to affect victims for some months or even years after the crime, aside from the psychological trauma that being 'cloned' typically engenders.
AVA provides a trained and highly skilled court advocate working through the Municipal Court with these Identity theft victims as well as victims of financial fraud.
Fire Station Crisis Intervention
In partnership with the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department (AFRD), our advocates offer immediate and onsite crisis intervention, support, referrals, and access to resources to crime victims seeking care at fire stations.
Homicide Support
We facilitate homicide support groups and recognition events like candlelight vigils to help grieving family members cope with the loss of a loved one due to crime. Loss is a deeply personal experience and in some cases when no arrest is made or the perpetrator isn’t identified, loved ones can experience long-lasting grief with no sense of closure. For many, these groups and memorial opportunities provide a source of comfort and healing for months and even years.
AVA’s Tea & Talk Homicide Support Project honors and empowers survivors of homicide. Survivors are given a safe space to not only mourn together, but also to honor their loved ones, and draw inspiration from each other’s resiliency and strength through a support group.
In addition, AVA offers an on-call advocate, assistance with the Georgia Victim Compensation Application, and any other special needs or request. Grief classes are also offered culminating with a graduation ceremony to celebrate the transition from Victim 2 Victor.
Restorative Conferencing Atlanta (RCA)
RCA is a restorative justice program that empowers young people and their communities to resolve their conflicts outside of the juvenile court system in Fulton County. RCA provides a space for young people to hold themselves accountable for their actions, introduce positive alternatives, and mobilize their communities to get involved in preventing further conflict.
Community Outreach and Education
AVA hosts events, resource fairs, and vigils to help Atlanta’s residents heal from violence as well as provide ways to prevent it from happening to them. Advocates also attend community meetings to make residents aware of AVA’s services. AVA annually hosts ceremonies for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week in April, a Domestic Violence Resource Fair at the Atlanta Municipal Court in October, and a Celebration of Life Candlelight Vigil in December to commemorate victims and their families.

AVA's Closet
In recognition of the profound impact of crime, Atlanta Victim Assistance, Inc. understands that victims often find themselves with limited resources. Some have been forced to leave their homes or have lost access to their personal belongings. To address this critical need, we have launched AVA's Closet—an initiative dedicated to providing essential items like clothing and toiletries to those in need. Through AVA's Closet, we aim to offer vital support and help restore a sense of stability and dignity to victims affected by crime.
Temporary Protective Orders (TPOs)
Survivors of domestic violence often seek Temporary Protective Orders (TPOs) to keep themselves and their children safe from their abusers. However, the process can be overwhelming and drawn-out. With assistance from the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers (AVLF) Foundation, AVA advocates have been trained to help survivors complete and expedite TPO requests.
Non Discriminatory Policy
Atlanta Victim Assistance, Inc. does not discriminate against or harass any employee, applicant for employment or any potential recipient of services because of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law.